After a run, regardless of the type of run, I do several stretching exercises designed to help minimize soreness.  At least that’s the idea behind it and it seems to help.

  • Hamstring stretch, 2 sets (20 sec per set per leg); I do this by putting my heel on the ground and keeping my toes high (works better if you use a wall or curb to prop up your foot.  At the same time leaning forward (in the same direction as the leg with the heel on the ground) while keeping the leg being stretched straight.  The leg that isn’t being stretched can be bent to help maintain balance.  
  • Standing straddle stretch, 2 sets (20 sec long each set)
  • Lateral stretches, 2 sets (20 sec long each set).  This might look and feel awkward.  This stretch is designed to stretch the IT (Iliotibial) band.  When you start feeling pain on the outside of your knees, it is because your IT band is getting strained or is rubbing against parts of your leg, causing it to get irritated.  The lateral stretch helps reduce the soreness and keeps the IT band from getting tight.  To do this stretch on your right leg, you would have to find a wall or something to hold on to on your right side; then you would cross your left leg in over your right leg that is stretch out resting on the outside of the foot.  The left leg is then carrying most of the weight.  As you bend the left leg and go lower, you are stretching the IT band.
  • Quad stretches, 2 sets (20 sec each set).  To do this on your right quadriceps, stand on your left leg while you hold on to something with your left; then bring your right heel up to your butt and pull it up with your right hand.

On a side note, keep hydrated before, during, and after a run.  Drink water or something like gatorade to keep your body hydrated.

In my next post, I’ll explain to you my own experience with hydration and its importance to running and daily life.

When you get to your late 20s, warming up becomes very important.  For running, I’ve found that doing a little bit of light stretching helps a lot, although in several running magazines, they have noted that stretching before running have no correlation to how better or how worse you perform on a run.

The bottom line is, do what works for you.

When I started getting into running in preparation for the Chicago Marathon over 2 years ago, I made sure to do the following things before the start of any of my runs, be it short, long, intervals, or tempo runs:

  1. 16 lunges
  2. 8 each forward and back leg swings
  3. 8 each lateral leg swings
  4. 2 sets of 10-sec hamstring stretch by pushing against a wall (do 2 sets per leg)
  5. 2 sets of hip rotations (8 repetitions in each direction)
  6. 2 sets of knee rotations (8 repetitions per direction)

After I finished all the above, then I started my running exercise. 

The set of cool down exercises I do at the end of a run is totally different and serves a different purpose.  I will enumerate them on my next posting.

CIM stands for the California International Marathon.  It is held on the first Sunday of December.  This year, I’m training for it, and I’ve already signed up; so there is no turning back.

I’ll be logging my training on this blog to highlight key experience that may help other beginners get through their own challenge of conquering a marathon.

Note that I’m already almost one month into my training plan.  It has not been perfect, meaning I’ve missed some days of cross training already, but fortunately, I still have about three months to go.

Lately though, I’ve had some rough and sluggish feeling in the morning.  I don’t feel very fast, and my feet are starting to get sore.

In the next post, I’ll tell you what I do before and after a short training run.  When you are as old as me, these things really matter a lot.

I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.

But from my own personal experience and common sense (a rare thing now-a-days), when a body ages, muscles that used to stretch easily and with no effort become less pliable.  The beating muscles have taken over the years become scars, and scars, as you know, are harder to stretch.  

When you run, your muscles incur micro injuries; however, they heal if you give them time to rest and recover.  The recovery make your body stronger.  BUT if you continue to run every day, those micro injuries don’t have time to recover and heal, and over time get worse.  So, instead of getting better, you get worse!

There could be other reasons why parts of your body hurt when you run, but barring any existing injuries or other problems, the main reason is age.

Again, I am no doctor.  I’m speaking from experience and common sense.

Why do you think it hurts when you run?  Let me and our community know.

Already got a domain name?  I know, I just bought one recently, and it only cost me $4.99 per year!  That is cheap.  Wouldn’t it be great if you can take that domain and use it on a free website hosting service?  If you are interested in learning how to do this, then read on.

Now-a-days, you can buy a domain name anywhere.  And like with anything, you always want to get the best deal on it and not necessarily host it where you bought it because of hosting cost.

If you are like me, you try to save where you can.  In this case, you can save on website hosting if you do it through  The good thing about using a hosting service like this is they provide the primary and secondary name servers you need to have the Internet know of your web site.  In this case, theirs are as follows:


You’ll have to note the above as you will need to enter them at the site where you bought your domain name.  For example, at, you’ll have to log into your account, then go to the Domain Manager page; there you can set the name servers to the name servers listed above.

At, you just need to sign up for a free hosting service, and specify the domain name you own, and you are pretty much good to go.

By doing this, the cost of your website which uses your domain name is pretty much the cost of keeping the domain name.  If it costs $4.99 a year, then it only costs you no more than 42 cents a month for the domain and the hosting service combined!

Free Website Hosting

UPDATE:  On May 31, 2012, Club Bing will close.  No more games and prizes.  If you’ve been playing, you had better redeem your points quickly.

Every so often I learn something from my kids who are in their 20s.  They are very active online.  My older one mentioned that she was able to acquire some X-Box accessories by playing games online.  I thought…”who in their right mind would give prizes for free?”; then she showed me.

She went to a site called  “” sounds like site about going to clubs, until the page showed up.  It turned out to be “Club Bing”.  It is a site designed to promote Microsoft’s search engine!

On the site they list various games that causes the search engine to be exercised.  It makes sense.  As you play, you end up seeing various search results, including their ads.

When you play and complete a game, you are awarded tickets, virtual tickets which you can redeem for prizes.  Note that completing one game may result in around 20 tickets.

Prizes range in ticket counts from hundreds to tens of thousands.  My daughter said that when started, there were no limits on how many tickets you could earn per day.  Today they limit winnings to 500 tickets per day.

Go figure.  Some folks may be gaming the system.  Anyway, have fun out there, and maybe you can win prizes in the process.





Crossing the finish line at the 100th Bay to Breakers!

Crossing the finish line at the 100th Bay to Breakers!

On May 15 I ran the 100th running of the Bay to Breakers.  I have never run this foot race, and the only run that I have run close to this foot race is the Bridge to Bridge run–also a 12K run.

On this run, I decided to break in my new Saucony Progrid Mirage.  This shoe is categorized as minimalist as reviewed by Running Times Magazine.  It seems to feel tight, but I didn’t really notice it much during the run.  Because it has less in terms of heel compared to the traditional cushioned running shoe, I really felt my forefoot landing more often than before.  I also noticed that I was able to coast on the downhill portions of this run.  Because it felt light, I didn’t really feel like I was getting tired.  The run felt fast; as a matter of fact, having been stuck in the C corral made it difficult to cover ground fast early in the run.

Nevertheless, the temperature was just right, and it was a fun experience.  Here are the results of my run:

Results of my 2011 Bay to Breakers Run

Results of my 2011 Bay to Breakers Run

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

I would like to share my appreciation and thanks to my wife, the mother of my kids, on the upcoming Mother’s Day, 8 May 2011.

When my wife and I married, she also ended up marrying the US Air Force.  Where ever I went, she followed. Note that my wife is a college graduate and has a degree in Accounting/Business Management.  Yet when our kids were born, she stayed home for them.  She knew she could have had a career in business, but she chose our kids, and put her career on indefinite hold.

When the kids were born, she would always be the first one to wake up when she hears the baby cry.  She was that dedicated to the care of the kids.

My wife didn’t want nor could stand leaving the kids with anyone, even close relatives just so she can have time to herself.  She didn’t feel comfortable about that until the kids were older–old enough to take care of themselves.  The only time, I can remember ever leaving one of our kids with others was when she went into labor with our second child.  That was the only time!

When the kids were going to elementary school, her days would be broken up with the duties of dropping them off and picking them up from school.  If you’ve ever done that, you know that it is very difficult to do anything, yet she managed.

When the kids were at home growing up, she spent countless hours reading to them and teaching them to read.  My first daughter learned to read when she was 2 years old!

For all the sacrifice and hard work.  A big THANKS to my Wife!

It’s mother’s day once again.  It is time to honor, show appreciation, and
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

celebrate mothers.

Anyway, this year I wanted to do something different to honor my mom.  This year I will write about what I consider the heroic actions she has taken in being a mother to me, my brother, and sisters.  I’m sure everyone has a similar story, but this one is what makes my mother unique.

So here it goes…

When I was in my early childhood years, my mother took the role of the traditional mother who stayed home and took care of the kids.  She had the opportunity to go to college, but we came first on her priority list.  So instead of trying to complete the nursing program, she stayed home and took care of us.

During Christmas holidays my mother would see how we looked at other kids who had received toys as gifts.  I just knew that she felt bad seeing us this way.  Note that we were not well to do, and I would say we were on the lower end of the Philippine middle class.  That said, she still went out of her way to take us to a store to see what we wanted to get.  Of course, back then, I didn’t realize what financial hardships my parents were experiencing.

When I was around 7 or 8 years old, my Dad took a one year Telephone Engineering contract job in Vietnam.   That left my mother to take care of everything for a year.  That year came and went; and she handled us four kids with no problem.

When we went to the United States in 1974, we were again faced with a new challenge.  My father was having difficulties finding a job in the engineering field and was laid off from a job he had at Fairchild Semiconductor.  To help make ends meet, my mother looked for a job, and was able to land one in the semiconductor industry.  This showed she was willing to do anything to help keep us fed and clothed while my father continued his job search (which later landed him at Becthtel Corp.).

In 1975, my father’s work led us to Atlanta, GA.  There, with us kids older (by this time I was around 13 or 14 years old), my mother continued to help bring in income for the family.  She even worked at a nursing home!  Nursing homes aren’t the best place to work, yet she worked there to help the family.  My father was eventually able to get us back to California where we eventually were able to get a house.

Through her hard work and her support of my father, she was able to help move the family to a better financial condition, which later led to all the kids having the opportunity to go to college.

Here’s another thing I always remember of my Mother.  When coming home from school, she always makes sure to ask if we’ve eaten, and she would make something no matter how she felt or what she was doing.  She would always worry about us.

Thanks Mom for the sacrifice!  Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

An ad as seen on

An ad as seen on

A few days ago I received an email from with their announcement of the availability of the white iPhone. Only Apple can create such a big hoopla around the availability of such an essential feature such as color.

I wouldn’t be surprised if die-hard Apple fans would line up to get a white iPhone.  Some of my friends are figuring out the Apple marketing scam.  They dupe their loyal and die-hard customers into buying a new iPhone through the incremental introduction of features.  Here are some of the most obvious examples:

  • The original iPhone didn’t have a camera facing the user.  The iPhone 4 added that feature.
  • The original iPhone was in silver/black color; now there is white!
  • The original iPhone had its buttons located in a certain position; the new iPhone made some slight design changes, causing the buttons to move by a  few millimeters–enough so that you can’t use your existing or current iPhone cases with the new iPhone 4 phones.

Here’s what I predict Apple will do to squeeze more moola from its loyal customer base.  In a future release of iPhone, Apple will include or offer:

  • A micro SD slot; NOT! Memory limitation or restriction is what keeps users coming back for more iPhones.
  • Flash player-capable iPhone
  • Standard USB interface
  • A 100% silver colored iPhone.

That’s all I can think of right now.  If you have other ideas to add, please post in the comments section.