It’s 2012! Most people are resolving to do something or to quit something. Why not start the year off with a 5K wellness run or walk?
Well if you are up to it, join others in Stockton on Saturday, 21 Jan 2012, at the St. Joseph’s 5K Fun Run/Walk for Wellness.
By the way, the proceeds to this event goes to the community. Specifically, all proceeds will benefit St. Joseph’s CareVan. St. Joseph’s CareVan Mobile Health Clinic provides health care services for over 4,000 low-income, medically underserved and vulnerable populations in Stockton. The CareVan decreases unnecessary hospitalizations including Emergency Department visits and help patients in finding “medical homes”.
OK. Aside for this noble cause, run or walk for your own wellness to get a good start on 2012.
You can register online, and the cost isn’t too much–$30 ($10 for youth under 10). On 15 Jan 2012, the price goes to $35. The event starts and finishes at 1800 North California (at St. Joseph’s Maple St. entrance).