It seems to be a well know fact, at least to those who do niche sites or serious blogging, that one of the keys to top standing in Google’s organic search results is getting back links to your site or article. All you have to do are:
- Write lots of articles with back links to your site or article
- Find sites to post the articles, then post them
The latter is easy to do. As a matter of fact, the back linking page at lists a few of them. The challenge is writing many articles. There are at least a couple of ways to approach this. One of them is to buy an article spinner. Some of them might cost you a one time cost of around $100. Other ones will cost you in subscription fees–around $77 per year.
If you aren’t ready to dole out that kind of dough, try a free article spinner at This article spinner is free. As a matter of fact, it is just work in progress; so it is very primitive; however, it does the job. It is free after all.
If you don’t know the syntax for article spinning, then this short explanation on article spinning syntax should help.