Today is supposed to be my easy run or cross training day. Unfortunately, when my alarm went off, I still felt I needed more sleep.
When this happens, I go into multiple alarm snooze mode. I give my self 2 additional alarms—one that is 15 minutes later, and another that is 30 minutes later. The second is a back up alarm, just in case I enter REM level sleep that is way too deep for an alarm to get through.
Anyway, after getting through the two alarms, I decided to just totally skip the morning cross training. Instead, I will do my 30 minute to 1 hour cross training workout at my Taekwondo school. There our teen and adult class warm up lasts almost 30 minutes. That should suffice.
Regardless, the purpose of today is to still train, without stressing out the legs, thus giving it time to recover from yesterday’s track run.